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Dna profiling research paper

Dna profiling research paper

dna profiling research paper

Data were generated through secondary sources. The paper found that Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) profiling is very useful in security management as it helps to identify who the actual criminals blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins DNA Profiling Research Papers Because DNA can be extracted from any cellular tissue and generated from a single cell, only microscopic amounts of Police use DNA as evidence in investigations like fingerprints, hairs, etc. DNA profiles are much more discriminating than fingerprints. For instance DNA profiling—commonly known as DNA fingerprinting—is often heralded as unassailable criminal evidence, a veritable “truth machine” that can overturn convictions based on eyewitness testimony, confessions, and other forms of forensic evidence. But DNA evidence is far from infallible

DNA Profiling Research Paper - iResearchNet

Investigative Genetics volume 4Article number: 22 Cite this article. Metrics details, dna profiling research paper. DNA fingerprinting, one of the great discoveries of the late 20th century, has revolutionized forensic investigations. This review briefly recapitulates 30 years of progress in forensic DNA analysis which helps to convict criminals, exonerate the wrongly accused, and identify victims of crime, disasters, and war.

Current standard methods based on short tandem repeats STRs as well as lineage markers Y chromosome, mitochondrial DNA are covered and applications are illustrated by casework examples. Benefits and risks of expanding forensic DNA databases are discussed and we ask what the future holds for forensic DNA fingerprinting.

The Eureka shout shook England again and was heard around the world when roughly years later Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester, in UK, found extraordinarily variable and heritable patterns from repetitive DNA analyzed with multi-locus probes. Under this name his invention opened up a new area of science.

The technique proved applicable in many biological disciplines, namely in diversity and conservation studies among species, dna profiling research paper, dna profiling research paper in clinical and anthropological studies. But the true political and social dimension of genetic fingerprinting became apparent far beyond academic circles when the first applications in civil and criminal cases were published. The application of these techniques introduces new factual evidence to criminal investigations and court cases, dna profiling research paper.

However, the first case March was not strictly a forensic case but one of immigration [ 3 ]. The forensic implications of genetic fingerprinting were nevertheless obvious, and improvements of the laboratory process led already in to the very first application in a forensic case. Two teenage girls had been raped and murdered on different occasions in nearby English villages, one inand the other in Semen was obtained from each of the two crime scenes.

The case was spectacular because it surprisingly excluded a suspected man, Richard Buckland, and matched another man, Colin Pitchfork, who attempted to evade the DNA dragnet by persuading a friend to give a sample on his behalf. Pitchfork confessed to committing the crimes after he was confronted with the evidence that his DNA profile matched the trace DNA from the two crime scenes.

For 2 years the Lister Institute of Leicester where Jeffreys was employed was the only laboratory in the world doing this work. But it was around when companies such as Cellmark, the academic medico-legal institutions around the world, the national police, law enforcement agencies, and so on started to evaluate, improve upon, and employ the new tool.

The years after the discovery of DNA fingerprinting were characterized by a mood of cooperation and interdisciplinary research. None of the many young researchers who has been there will ever forget the DNA fingerprint congresses which were held on five continents, in Bernin Belo Horizontein Hyderabadin Melbourneand in Pt. Elizabethand then shut down with the good feeling that the job was done. Everyone read the Fingerprint News distributed dna profiling research paper free by the University of Cambridge since Figure 1.

This affectionate little periodical published non-stylish short articles directly from the bench without impact factors and dna profiling research paper networking activities in the different fields dna profiling research paper applications. The period in the s was the golden research age of DNA fingerprinting succeeded by two decades of engineering, implementation, and high-throughput application. From the Foreword of Alec Jeffreys in Fingerprint NewsIssue 1, January 'Dear Colleagues, dna profiling research paper, […] I hope that Fingerprint News will cover all aspects of dna profiling research paper DNA and its application, dna profiling research paper, including both multi-locus and single-locus systems, new methods for studying DNA polymorphisms, the population genetics of variable loci and the statistical analysis of fingerprint data, as well as providing useful technical tips for getting good DNA profiles […].

Cover of one of the first issues of Fingerprint News from As the technique became more sensitive, the handling simple and automated and the statistical treatment straightforward, DNA profiling, as the method was renamed, entered the forensic routine laboratories around the world in storm.

But, what counts in the Pitchfork case and what still counts today is the process to get DNA identification results accepted in legal proceedings. Spectacular fallacies, from the historical case of People vs.

Castro in New York [ 6 ] to the case against Knox and Sollecito in Italy — where literally DNA fingerprinting was on trial [ 7 ], dna profiling research paper, disclosed severe insufficiencies in the technical protocols and especially in the DNA evidence interpretation and raised nolens volens doubts on the scientific and evidentiary value of forensic DNA fingerprinting. These cases are rare but frequent enough to remind each new generation of forensic analysts, researchers, or private sector employees that DNA evidence is nowadays an important part of factual evidence and needs thus intense scrutiny for all parts of the DNA analysis and interpretation process.

In the following I will briefly describe the development of DNA fingerprinting to a standardized investigative method for court use which has since led to the conviction of thousands of criminals and to the exoneration of many wrongfully suspected or convicted individuals [ 8 ].

Genetic fingerprinting per se could of course not reduce the criminal rate in any of the many countries in the world, which employ this method. But DNA profiling adds hard scientific value to the evidence and strengthens thus principally the credibility of the legal system.

In the classical DNA fingerprinting method radio-labeled DNA probes containing minisatellite [ 9 ] or oligonucleotide sequences [ 10 ] are hybridized to DNA that has been digested with a restriction enzyme, separated by agarose electrophoresis and immobilized on a membrane by Southern blotting or - in the case of the oligonucleotide probes - immobilized directly in the dried gel.

The radio-labeled probe hybridizes to a set of minisatellites or oligonucleotide stretches in genomic DNA contained in restriction fragments whose size differ because of variation in the numbers of repeat units. After washing away excess probe the exposure to X-ray film autoradiography allows these variable fragments to be visualized, and their profiles compared between individuals.

Minisatellite probes, called These so-called multilocus probes MLP detect sets of 15 to 20 variable fragments per individual ranging from 3. But the multi-locus profiling method had several limitations despite its successful application to crime and kinship cases until the middle of the s.

Running conditions or DNA quality issues render the exact matching between bands often difficult. To overcome this, forensic laboratories adhered to binning approaches [ 11 ], where fixed or floating bins were defined relative to the observed DNA fragment size, and adjusted to the resolving power of the detection system. Second, fragment association within one DNA fingerprint profile is not known, leading to statistical errors due to possible linkage between loci. Third, for obtaining optimal profiles the method required substantial amounts of high molecular weight DNA [ 12 ] and thus excludes the majority of crime-scene samples from the analysis.

To overcome some of these limitations, single-locus profiling was developed [ 13 ], dna profiling research paper. Here a single hypervariable locus is detected by a specific single-locus probe SLP using high stringency hybridization.

Typically, four SLPs were used in a reprobing approach, yielding eight alleles of four independent loci per individual. This method requires only 10 ng of genomic DNA [ 14 ] and has been validated through extensive experiments and forensic casework, and for many years provided a robust and valuable system for individual identification.

Nevertheless, all these different restriction fragment length polymorphism RFLP -based methods were still limited by the available quality and quantity of the DNA and also hampered by difficulties to reliably compare genetic profiles from different sources, labs, and techniques. What was needed was a DNA code, which could ideally be generated even from a single nucleated cell and from highly degraded DNA, a code, which could be rapidly generated, numerically encrypted, automatically compared, and easily supported in court.

Indeed, starting in the early s DNA fingerprinting methods based on RFLP analysis were gradually supplanted by methods based on PCR because of the improved sensitivity, speed, and genotyping precision [ 15 ], dna profiling research paper. Microsatellites, in the forensic community usually referred to short tandem repeats STRswere found to be ideally suited for forensic applications. STR typing is more sensitive than single-locus RFLP methods, less prone to allelic dropout dna profiling research paper VNTR variable number of tandem repeat systems [ 16 ], and more discriminating than other PCR-based typing methods, such as HLA-DQA1 [ 17 ].

More than 2, publications now detail the technology, hundreds of different population groups have been studied, new technologies as, for example, the miniSTRs [ 18 ] have been developed and standard protocols have been validated in laboratories worldwide for an overview see [ 19 ].

Forensic DNA profiling is currently performed using a panel of multi-allelic STR markers which are structurally analogous to the original minisatellites but with much shorter repeat tracts and thus easier to amplify and multiplex with PCR. Up to 30 STRs can be detected in a single capillary electrophoresis injection generating for each individual a unique genetic code.

Basically there are two sets of STR markers complying with the standards requested by criminal databases around the world: the European standard set of 12 STR markers [ 20 ] and the US CODIS standard of 13 markers [ 21 ], dna profiling research paper. Due to partial overlap, they form together a standard of 18 STR markers in total. The incorporation of these STR markers into commercial kits has improved the application of these markers for all kinds of DNA evidence with reproducible results from as less than three nucleated cells [ 22 ] and extracted even from severely compromised material.

The probability that two individuals will have identical markers at each of 13 different STR loci within their DNA exceeds one out of a billion. If a DNA match occurs between an accused individual and a crime scene stain, the correct courtroom expression would be that the probability of a match if the crime-scene sample came from someone other than the suspect considering the random, not closely-related man is at most one in a billion [ 14 ].

When a match is made from such a DNA database to link a crime scene sample to an offender who has provided a DNA sample to a database that link is often referred to as a cold hit. A dna profiling research paper hit is of value as an investigative lead for the police agency to a specific suspect, dna profiling research paper.

China approximately 16 million profiles, the United States approximately 10 million profilesand the UK approximately 6 million profiles maintain the largest DNA database in the world. Multilocus DNA Fingerprint from a large family probed with the oligonucleotide GTG 5 Courtesy of Peter Nürnberg, Cologne Center for Genomics, dna profiling research paper, Germany.

Lineage markers have special applications in forensic genetics. Y chromosome analysis is very helpful in cases where there is an excess of DNA from a female victim and only a low proportion from a male perpetrator.

Mitochondrial DNA mtDNA is of importance for the analyses of low level nuclear DNA samples, namely from unidentified typically skeletonized remains, hair shafts without roots, or very old specimens where only heavily degraded DNA is available [ 25 ].

The unusual non-recombinant mode of inheritance of Y and mtDNA weakens the statistical weight of a match between individual samples but makes the method efficient for the reconstruction of the paternal or maternal relationship, for example in mass disaster investigations [ 26 ] or in historical reconstructions.

A classic case is the identification of two missing children of the Romanov family, the last Russian monarchy. MtDNA analysis combined with additional DNA testing of material from the mass grave near Yekaterinburg gave virtually irrefutable evidence that the two individuals recovered from a second grave nearby are the two missing children of the Romanov family: the Tsarevich Alexei and one of his sisters [ 27 ]. Interestingly, a point heteroplasmy, that is, the presence of two slightly different mtDNA haplotypes within an individual, dna profiling research paper, was found in the mtDNA of the Tsar and his relatives, which was in a contentious finding Figure 3.

In the early s when the bones were first analyzed, a point heteroplasmy was believed to be an extremely rare phenomenon and was not readily explainable. Today, the existence of heteroplasmy is understood to be relatively common and large population databases can be searched dna profiling research paper its frequency at certain positions.

The mtDNA evidence in the Romanov case was underpinned by Y-STR analysis where a locus haplotype from the remains of Tsar Nicholas II matched exactly to the femur of the putative Tsarevich and also to a living Romanov relative.

Other studies demonstrated that very distant family branches can be traced back to common ancestors who lived hundreds of years ago [ 28 ]. Currently forensic Y chromosome typing has gained wide acceptance with the introduction of highly sensitive panels of up to 27 STRs including rapidly mutating markers [ 29 ].

Figure 4 demonstrates the impressive gain of the discriminative power with increasing numbers of Y-STRs. The determination of the match probability between Y-STR or mtDNA profiles via the mostly applied counting method [ 30 ] requires large, representative, and quality-assessed databases of haplotypes sampled in appropriate reference populations, because the dna profiling research paper of individual allele frequencies is not valid as for independently inherited autosomal STRs [ 31 ].

Other estimators for the haplotype match probability than the count estimator have been proposed and evaluated using empirical data [ 32 ], however, dna profiling research paper, the biostatistical interpretation remains complicated and controversial and research continues. org hosted at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Berlin, Germany, with aboutdna profiling research paper, haplotypes sampled in populations [ 33 ].

org hosted at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Innsbruck, Austria, with about 33, haplotypes sampled in 63 countries [ 34 ], dna profiling research paper. More than institutes have actually submitted data to the YHRD and to EMPOP, a compelling demonstration of the level of networking activities between forensic science institutes around the world. That additional intelligence information is potentially derivable from such large datasets becomes obvious when a target DNA profile is searched against a collection of geographically annotated Y chromosomal or mtDNA profiles.

Because linearly inherited dna profiling research paper have a highly non-random geographical distribution the target profile shares characteristic variants with geographical neighbors due to common ancestry [ 35 ], dna profiling research paper. This link between genetics, genealogy, dna profiling research paper, and geography could provide investigative leads for investigators in non-suspect cases as illustrated in the following case [ 36 ]:.

Correlation between the number of analyzed Y-STRs and the number of different haplotypes detected in a global population sample of 18, locus haplotypes. Screenshot from the YHRD depicting the radiation of a 9-locus haplotype belonging to haplogroup J in Southern Europe.

Ina woman was found with a smashed skull and covered in blood but still alive in her Berlin apartment. Her life was saved by intensive medical care. Later she told the police that she had let a man into her apartment, and he had immediately attacked her. The man was subletting the apartment next door. The evidence collected at the scene and in the dna profiling research paper apartment included a baseball cap, two towels, and a glass.

The evidence was sent to the state police laboratory in Berlin, Germany and was analyzed with conventional autosomal STR profiling. Stains on the baseball cap and on one towel revealed a pattern consistent with that of the tenant, whereas two different male DNA profiles were found on a second bath towel and on the glass.

The tenant was eliminated as a suspect because he was absent at the time of the offense, but two unknown men different in autosomal but identical in Y-STRs who shared the apartment were suspected.

Unfortunately, the apartment had been used by many individuals of both European and African nationalities, so the initial search for the two men became very difficult. Prerequisites for such biogeographic analyses are large reference databases containing Y-STR haplotypes also typed for ancestry informative single nucleotide markers SNP markers from hundreds of different populations.

DNA Profiling: Lesson 1 (Forensics)

, time: 10:29

Forensic DNA Profiling and Database

dna profiling research paper

Nov 18,  · The period in the s was the golden research age of DNA fingerprinting succeeded by two decades of engineering, implementation, and high-throughput application. From the Foreword of Alec Jeffreys in Fingerprint News, Issue 1, January 'Dear Colleagues, [ ] I hope that Fingerprint News will cover all aspects of hypervariable DNA and its application, including both multi-locus and single-locus systems, new methods for studying DNA Cited by: Sep 13,  · Dna profiling and analysis interpretation. September 13, / in Homework Paper Help / by Onlineessayshelp. Choose only 1 of the cases listed below and explain how the physical evidence recovered from the crime scene was tested and analyzed to solve the crime This paper reviews background information on DNA and human genetics, and addresses how molecular techniques such as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and polymerase chain reaction Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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